🎓 Ace Your Studies with AI

Revise Faster, Solve Smarter, and Ace Your Exams

G2 rating 4.8 of 5

562 reviews

TrustScore 9.7 of 10

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How It Works

Your Success in 3 Simple Steps!

Sign Up

Create an account in seconds.

Pick Your Tool

Choose from notes, math, essays, or mock tests.

Boost Your Grades

Let AI handle the heavy lifting so you can study smarter!


AI-Powered Note Summarizer

Turn Lengthy Notes into Concise Summaries in Seconds. Stop Spending Hours Summarizing Notes. Let AI Handle It for You.


Bullet Point Answer Generator

Get Clear, Bullet-Point Answers to Your Questions. Ask Any Question and Receive Clear, Concise, and Structured Answers.


Mock Test Generator

Create Custom Mock Tests to Boost Your Performance. Prepare for Exams with AI-Generated Mock Tests Tailored to Your Learning Needs.


Math Solver

Solve Complex Math Problems with Step-by-Step Explanations. AI-Powered Solutions for Every Math Problem.


Academic Essay Writer

Write Perfect Essays with AI Assistance. Generate High-Quality Essays Quickly – Perfect for Any Academic Level.

Used by over 5,000 students in 20 countries

This tool saved my semester! The AI essay writer is a game changer.

Emma, Senior Student

Mock tests helped me practice for exams in a way I’ve never experienced before.

Jason, Sophomore

The Math Solver has made my study sessions so much more efficient!

Sophia L., Graduate Student

Frequently asked questions

How do these AI tools work?

Our AI tools uses GPT-4o model to process your input, whether it’s text, math problems, or essay prompts. You’ll get high-quality summaries, answers, and solutions in seconds.

Is there a free trial?

Yes! You can try all our AI tools for free before deciding if you'd like to upgrade.

What’s included in the paid subscription?

Paid plans unlock full access to unlimited usage across all 5 tools, advanced features like student performance report, multi-page PDF uploads for summarize, Math problem Image Upload, and priority support.

Who are these tools for?

Whether you're a student, professional, or lifelong learner, our AI tools are designed to help you learn faster, retain more information, and achieve your academic goals.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Absolutely. You can cancel or upgrade your subscription at any time, no questions asked.

Why Wait? Elevate Your Learning Journey Today!

The only AI tool dedicated to students, graduates, and professionals.